Sunday 9 November 2008

Feeling Down.......

I am sorry to be a total whinge bag - but I am so fed up this weekend - it has been a difficult time recently and this shows no signs of stopping ... money is tight, my mum is unwell, my grandad is unwell and my nan is in respite and I feel that I just cannot be bothered anymore. All I want to do is sit on the sofa in my joggers and not leave the house!

But the truth is I can't - I have to go shopping, pick up my Dad, fetch my nan some things from home and take them into the home for her, walk the dogs, do the tea, finish off the washing and have a tidy round.

However I always find that my knitting relaxes me, calms me down and while it isnt going to shift those blues it does help to relieve some of the anxiety I am feeling. So once I have got through my list of jobs for the day.. I shall have a nice soak in the bath, put on my pj's and then I am going to dig out my crochet hooks and give that another try.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Long Time No Post!

Oops I have been very mean and not added anything to my blog lately - one reason is because I have been so busy with work, joining Weightwatchers again, dance class twice a week, and helping my Grandad out as he has not been so well and he is the main carer for my Nan since she had a stroke last year. My mum has been unable to cope so have been dashing backwards and forwards wherever possible.

I also had a birthday this week which was lovely - and so of course I had to go out but we kept it local and enjoyed the company of our friends.

Knitting wise I finished my lace scarf ages ago - I have finished a cardigan in Sirdar Yo Yo but it needs sewing up which I hate! I also have a pair of socks OTN and have just finished my first dog coat for K9 Knitters. I just have to dig out some buttons to finish it off!

Then all I need to do is sort out some pics - anyway must dash am off to a firework party tonight.