Sunday 9 November 2008

Feeling Down.......

I am sorry to be a total whinge bag - but I am so fed up this weekend - it has been a difficult time recently and this shows no signs of stopping ... money is tight, my mum is unwell, my grandad is unwell and my nan is in respite and I feel that I just cannot be bothered anymore. All I want to do is sit on the sofa in my joggers and not leave the house!

But the truth is I can't - I have to go shopping, pick up my Dad, fetch my nan some things from home and take them into the home for her, walk the dogs, do the tea, finish off the washing and have a tidy round.

However I always find that my knitting relaxes me, calms me down and while it isnt going to shift those blues it does help to relieve some of the anxiety I am feeling. So once I have got through my list of jobs for the day.. I shall have a nice soak in the bath, put on my pj's and then I am going to dig out my crochet hooks and give that another try.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Long Time No Post!

Oops I have been very mean and not added anything to my blog lately - one reason is because I have been so busy with work, joining Weightwatchers again, dance class twice a week, and helping my Grandad out as he has not been so well and he is the main carer for my Nan since she had a stroke last year. My mum has been unable to cope so have been dashing backwards and forwards wherever possible.

I also had a birthday this week which was lovely - and so of course I had to go out but we kept it local and enjoyed the company of our friends.

Knitting wise I finished my lace scarf ages ago - I have finished a cardigan in Sirdar Yo Yo but it needs sewing up which I hate! I also have a pair of socks OTN and have just finished my first dog coat for K9 Knitters. I just have to dig out some buttons to finish it off!

Then all I need to do is sort out some pics - anyway must dash am off to a firework party tonight.

Saturday 27 September 2008

Blue faced Open Day

Morning bloggers - been a busy week I am afraid - hectic at work and have now finally decided I need to shed some load so have been back to Weight watchers this week - scarily since leaving the NHS and being constantly on my feet and going to a more sedentary job working from home I have put on two stone in a year and a half and feel awful for it - so thats it no more!!

Today we are off to the blue faced open day so hoping to get some yarn for dyeing and maybe pick up a few bargains!! will take the camera and try and take some pics.

Lace scarf is coming on nicely but am still a little worried that I don't have enough yarn - will see how it goes.

And my boys are both curled up asleep on their bean bags - poor Digger is slowing down on our walks and can only manage 10 minutes - he also had to have a bath yesterday as he was smelling none too sweet - the only problem is he will not tolerate me grooming his legs and he gets quite knotty - may need to call in expert help!! Anyway off to shop for yarn mmmhhh!

Sunday 21 September 2008

Poor new car

Had her first bump yesterday as someone drove into the back of her luckily it was only a minor bump and amazingly there was no damage .. phew.

I am getting so excited - we are going to the open day on Saturday - I am really keen to have a try at spinning and maybe dyeing my own yarn - some of the girls are taking their wheels to let us have a go - natural dye studio will also be there and I have bought from them in the past so it will be nice to meet them - oh and its payday so will have some spends - whoo hoo cant wait!

Saturday 20 September 2008

Bye Bye Beetle

Gav and myself do not own our cars - Gav leases his car and I have a company car - well yesterday he said bye bye to BB Beetle and hello new sporty polo! Gav was initially a little bit sad as BB was his first car but soon forgot her as he drove around town in his new sporty number - smelling all new and looking shiney.

We are enjoying beautiful weather today so once the chores are done and Digger has been bathed and groomed - I am off to sit in the afternoon sunshine and do a bit more work on my lace scarf - I am now on the border. It is the first time I have tackled something like this and so far I think it is looking good. Have made a couple of mistakes but nothing that was not repairable. Will put up pics when finished!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Knitting and yep more rain...

Am feeling down today - why I just don't know .. the weather continues to be dreary and I have to go up to Liverpool today for work, the housework needs doing, we need food shopping and all I want to do is sit on the sofa and continue my knitting. Its mornings like this when I wish I had won the lottery and could be a lady of leisure with no money concerns and decide to do things when I want to do them. However I dont think I am ever destined to have that luxury - I always believed that you make your own luck in life and that if you want something you put the effort in and it will come WELL I WANT TO WIN THE LOTTERY!!!! and no matter how many times I faithfully put those numbers on it just doesn't happen.

Still on the upside my scarf is coming on nicely and I did fall into my local yarn shop yesterday and buy another ball of sock yarn (which I really did not need) - however I have convinced myself that it will form part of someones christmas present once knitted!

Tuesday 9 September 2008


Well what can I say - I came 25th out of 178 people - BUT .... my OH who scraped in at the last minute managed to get 10th and has now secured his place in the National Final in March 2009 - whilst I am very proud of me there is a teensy bit of me that is feeling slightly green and envious.

On another note I have promised my self I will add some pics of my knitting this week as I feel you all need some progress pics ... he he aren't I good to you!
