Saturday 8 November 2008

Long Time No Post!

Oops I have been very mean and not added anything to my blog lately - one reason is because I have been so busy with work, joining Weightwatchers again, dance class twice a week, and helping my Grandad out as he has not been so well and he is the main carer for my Nan since she had a stroke last year. My mum has been unable to cope so have been dashing backwards and forwards wherever possible.

I also had a birthday this week which was lovely - and so of course I had to go out but we kept it local and enjoyed the company of our friends.

Knitting wise I finished my lace scarf ages ago - I have finished a cardigan in Sirdar Yo Yo but it needs sewing up which I hate! I also have a pair of socks OTN and have just finished my first dog coat for K9 Knitters. I just have to dig out some buttons to finish it off!

Then all I need to do is sort out some pics - anyway must dash am off to a firework party tonight.

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