Saturday 27 September 2008

Blue faced Open Day

Morning bloggers - been a busy week I am afraid - hectic at work and have now finally decided I need to shed some load so have been back to Weight watchers this week - scarily since leaving the NHS and being constantly on my feet and going to a more sedentary job working from home I have put on two stone in a year and a half and feel awful for it - so thats it no more!!

Today we are off to the blue faced open day so hoping to get some yarn for dyeing and maybe pick up a few bargains!! will take the camera and try and take some pics.

Lace scarf is coming on nicely but am still a little worried that I don't have enough yarn - will see how it goes.

And my boys are both curled up asleep on their bean bags - poor Digger is slowing down on our walks and can only manage 10 minutes - he also had to have a bath yesterday as he was smelling none too sweet - the only problem is he will not tolerate me grooming his legs and he gets quite knotty - may need to call in expert help!! Anyway off to shop for yarn mmmhhh!

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